Keep up to date with everything Scottish Borders Public Services
Media release: Alarming levels of violence in Border’s schools, UNISON survey reveals
Scottish Borders Council are being urged to take immediate action over violence in the council’s schools after new figures were published in a report by UNISON Scotland.

Lifeline healthcare service cuts threaten fabric of community, say UNISON
UNISON are calling on the Scottish Borders Health & Social Care Integration Joint Board (IJB) to reverse their proposed cuts to preventative services community health services.

Branch Newsletter – Spring 2024
Discover the power of UNISON Scottish Borders in our branch newsletter! Dive into the stories of public service heroes, stay informed on our campaigns, and unite with us for workers’ rights and social justice. Join the collective force for positive change – have a read.

Join, Update, Refer & Win with UNISON Scottish Borders Branch!
Explore the benefits of UNISON membership with our ‘Join, Update, Refer & Win’ campaign. Win exciting prizes, promote unity during tough times, and stay connected. Join now and discover the strength of community support. Campaign ends Thu 1 Aug.

UNISON NEC Elections – Use your vote!
UNISON’s NEC Election ballot opened on 17 April and runs to the 19th May. This is the largest election within UNISON, taking place every two years, where every member takes part in electing the most senior body of activists in the union.

Update your UNISON details
Help For urgent help and advice at work contact your local UNISON steward or health and safety rep as soon as possible. We can only keep in touch with you if we know where you are! UNISON consults members about workplace issues through meetings, surveys and ballots....

Branch Newsletter – March 2021
What’s inside:
Covid Update
NHS Update
Pay Campaigns
AGM Details (inc £100 Voucher Prize Draw)

Safety Guide: Safe return to schools and early years
Click here to download the safety pack UNISON stress we need risk assessments, staff training and clear guidance on safe working practices. Trade unions must be involved in local planning to ensure agreement round safe opening of schools and early learning...

The following is a statement sent to staff from Scottish Borders Council chief executive Tracey Logan on 08/4/20 Colleagues, We fully appreciate that these times are difficult, and that you will be concerned about your own, and your family’s, health and safety as well...

SBC: Information for Social Care staff | Coronavirus | Revised national PPE guidance
IMPORTANT INFORMATION Urgent work has been under way to review the existing UK-wide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) guidance and revised guidance has now been published. The guidance can be accessed via the HPE website. It outlines what PPE frontline and social...

COVID-19: UNISON support and advice
UNISON Scottish Borders Public Services wants to ensure that all members know what their union is doing to support them during these unprecedented times.

COVID19: Joint message from UNISON, Unite, GMB and SBC
COVID19: Joint message from Unison, Unite, GMB and SBC

SBC: Payroll Information – Access to Payslips Electronically
SBC STAFF – Attached is the information document that has been published advising staff how to make claims at this time.
It also includes a section on accessing payslips directly through Business World Self Service.

Members in Education – Covid-19
t is obviously very difficult for some essential workers to strictly comply with social distancing guidance. Members who are working with young children or vulnerable adults and elderly people should do what they can to remain safe.

Branch Newsletter – Jan 2020
Click here to download the branch newsletter.

Annual General Meetings 2020
The AGM is the branch’s policy making forum. It will elect the Branch Officers for 2020/21, set policy on important issues affecting all members and can amend rules.

Dear Colleague AGM – PRELIMINARY NOTICE The Main Annual General Meetings (AGMs) of the branch will be held on: 24th March 2020 at the committee room of Borders General Hospital at 9am-11am30th March 2020 in the Canteen Meeting Room at Scottish Borders Council...

Winter Fuel Grant 2019/20 – Applications open
UNISON Scotland’s welfare charity There for You has set up a fund to help members on low incomes towards the cost of their winter fuel bill through a one-off payment of £40.

📣NHS Banding Campaign 📣
Following UNISON’s successful campaign to have many of your colleagues roles re-graded from Band 1 to Band 2, UNISON are now looking to ensure there is parity across health boards regarding staff working in Band 2/3 roles who are working as, Health Care Assistants / Auxiliary Nurses / Nurse Assistants / HCSW’s.

SB Cares homecare members raise collective grievance
UNISON Scottish Borders Public Services is currently awaiting a formal response from SB Cares after submitting a formal collective grievance on behalf of home care members.

SB Cares Homecare Members – Survey
SB Cares Homecare Members – Survey

#greenUNISON Week
UNISON Scotland has called for strong action on climate change for many years. And now, thanks to the school climate strikes, the climate emergency is finally starting to get the attention it needs and deserves.

Violence at work: Record it & Report it
Report all abusive incidents – including violence, threats of violence and verbal attacks through LEXI (Council) or DATIX (NHS).
For further information and advice, speak to your UNISON Rep.
Branch Newsletter – Feb 2019
Branch Newsletter – Feb 2019
Every Borders School needs a UNISON Rep
A UNISON workplace rep is the most important link between the union and its members. Support is available from both your branch and UNISON Staff. Full training is available and runs throughout the year.We can arrange for you to be given time off work to attend our...
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