UNISON are calling on the Scottish Borders Health & Social Care Integration Joint Board (IJB) to reverse their proposed cuts to preventative community health services.
The union say Local Area Coordination services and Community Link Workers are threatened with cuts despite the fact they play a critical role in preventative health care and are the fabric of the community.
The union accuse the authorities of making short-term savings at the expense of long-term benefits.
The call was made in a letter sent to elected councillors who sit on the Scottish Borders Health & Social Care Integration Joint Board (IJB) from branch secretary of UNISON Scottish Borders Public Services branch, Kaymarie Hughes.
Kaymarie emphasised the critical role of the Local Area Coordination (LAC) and Community Link Workers (CLW) in providing community well-being and cautioned against further cuts to health and social care services.
UNISON Scottish Borders Branch Secretary Kaymarie Hughes said: “The proposed 10% budget cut to the Local Area Coordination service, which will shortly go out for public consultation, is only the beginning of more savings to be made. Cuts are a direct threat to the fabric of our communities. These services are not just numbers on a balance sheet; they are lifelines for individuals and families across the Borders.”
“They are important preventative services like Local Area Coordination and Community Link Worker posts which reduce reliance on other NHS and council services. These workers support people with personal, social, emotional and financial issues. They also help build community resilience, and ultimately alleviating strain on public services.”
“We have written to councillors who sit on the IJB to ask they scrutinise these drastic budget cuts and explore alternative long-term strategic investment to balance budgets without compromising the well-being of our communities. These proposals will have a detrimental impact on our communities. Our communities need investment, not abandonment.”
A copy of the letter sent to Scottish Borders Cllrs can be found here.
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